The world Around Us

3? x 8? Etched, Inked and Coated Copper framed in African Mahogany. I love doing commissioned work. This was done for a wonderful couple with a beautiful home in Makena. The piece represents the fire lava and ocean that is Maui as well as it has some polished copper areas that show vignettes of the surrounding area.

Ebb & Flow

48 x 60 Printed on Japanese Silk from four individual Copper Plates, Scroll Mounted together with Copper Leafing. One of the technically hardest works I have ever done. This represents lava flowing into the sea and the black sand beaches that are created when it does.

Hurricane Blues

18 x 24 Deeply Etched, Inked, Painted and Coated Copper. When El Nino heats up the Pacific nature flings large storms in our direction. Fortunately our island home has been able to ward them off.